04 Mar SITA Incubator: Empowering Youth at EduVation Catalyst 2024
SITA Incubator, a leading industry partner, played a pivotal role in this year’s EduVation Catalyst 2024. As part of our commitment to fostering personal development and entrepreneurship, we provided top-of-the-line trainers to the 34 participating teams. These trainers were instrumental in equipping the founders and co-founders with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.
But that’s not all. Our very own Wael Refaat Ragheb, Founder & CEO of SITA Incubator, was honored to serve as a judge at EduVation Catalyst 2024. His expertise and insights contributed significantly to the event’s success. As he reflects on the experience, Wael shares, “I am very glad that I had the chance to contribute to such an event. It was a
great summit, buzzing with brilliant ideas and exciting opportunities”.
At SITA, we firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of a better future. Our distinctive participation in EduVation Catalyst 2024 underscores our unwavering commitment to empowering the youth. We look forward to continuing our journey of impact and innovation, shaping the next generation of leaders.
Wael Refaat Ragheb, CEO, SITA Incubator –
But that’s not all. Our very own Wael Refaat Ragheb, Founder & CEO of SITA Incubator, was honored to serve as a judge at EduVation Catalyst 2024. His expertise and insights contributed significantly to the event’s success. As he reflects on the experience, Wael shares, “I am very glad that I had the chance to contribute to such an event. It was a
great summit, buzzing with brilliant ideas and exciting opportunities”.
At SITA, we firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of a better future. Our distinctive participation in EduVation Catalyst 2024 underscores our unwavering commitment to empowering the youth. We look forward to continuing our journey of impact and innovation, shaping the next generation of leaders.
Wael Refaat Ragheb, CEO, SITA Incubator –
لعبت SITA Incubator، الشريك الرائد في الصناعة، دورًا محوریًا في EduVation Catalyst 2024 لھذا العام.
وكجزء من التزامنا بتعزیز التنمیة الشخصیة وریادة الأعمال، قمنا بتوفیر أفضل المدربین للفرق المشاركة البالغ عددھا 34
فریقًا. وكان لھؤلاء المدربین دور فعال في تزوید المؤسسین والمؤسسین المشاركین بالمھارات والمعرفة اللازمة لتحقیق النجاح في المشھد التنافسي الیوم.
ولكن ھذا لیس كل شيء. لقد تم تكریم وائل رفعت راغب، المؤسس والرئیس التنفیذي لحاضنة SITA، للعمل كحكم في EduVation Catalyst 2024. وقد ساھمت خبرتھ ورؤیتھ بشكل كبیر في نجاح الحدث. وبینما یفكر وائل في تجربتھ،
یقول: ” أنا سعید للغایة لأنھ أتیحت لي الفرصة للمساھمة في مثل ھذا الحدث. لقد كانت قمة رائعة وملیئة بالأفكار الرائعة والفرص المثیرة” .
في SITA، نحن نؤمن إیمانًا راسخًا بأن التعلیم ھو حجر الزاویة لمستقبل أفضل. تؤكد مشاركتنا الممیزة في EduVation Catalyst 2024 على التزامنا الراسخ بتمكین الشبا ب. ونحن نتطلع إلى مواصلة رحلتنا للتأثیر والابتكار، وتشكیل الجیل
القادم من القادة.
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